Auto Webinar Video Format & reduce file size

MP4 WebM


Last Update 2 yıl önce

  • If you would like to convert your youtube video to a file, try clipconverter.
  • To convert from .mp4 to webM format, try convertio
  • You may also use free APP to convert your file formats to MP4/WebM and also reduce the file size/resolution.
Benefits: Load video faster, reduce space and bandwidth needed on server.
You can have more user on the webinar at the same time.


My host let me upload small sized videos only 

install free Tuxedo Big File Uploads plugin inside your WP backend,
via "Add new plugin" and 

use the "multi file upload link inside the add new media screen,
to upload as big files as you like.

When the video continues on reload of the webinar room page where it left and CTAs are also in time with the video? Yes. When you use MP4/WebM files.

PS: It does not matter if the MP4/WebM file is hosted in your WP media, ftp folder or on a cloud storage like Amazon or Vimeo.

PPS: On iFramed video sources like youtube, the video and the Call-to-Actions are not synced after reloading the page.

What video resolution you suggest?

We suggest 720p MP4/WebM video files for webinars.

Example 13 minutes video with resolution
  • 1080p 502 MB (MP4)
  • 720p 240 MB (MP4)
  • 720p 183 MB (WebM)

You can go on higher resolution but may loss attendees with a slower internet connection speed.
Tobias: In my point of view we need some auto resolutions like on Youtube, ... adaptive-bitrate is a solution and needs other file formats (HLS, DASH) our video.js player library supports. No idea yet how to convert and use these files. Will discuss this with the developer.

MP4 vs WebM:

MP4 is most used and a standard in the world, file size is small.

WebM is provide a smaller file size and is mainly supported by google (Chrome browser)
See details yourself:

Tip: Host your video files external will save you server load.

Tip: Host your videos on an autoscale server.

Try vimeo, cloudfare (i don´t know if they support mp4 files)

This is only my little beginning in this topic, share me your solutions and we implement them.

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