"This Webinar Is Unpublished" What To Do When Your Registration Form Won't Show.
Last Update a year ago
If you're seeing the message "This Webinar Is Unpublished. Publish It To Show" instead of your registration form, it is because your webinar is not yet published; in other words, it is still in "draft" mode. You will need to publish the webinar to make it available to all users.
To publish a webinar,
go to the dashboard of the single webinar and
toggle its status from "Draft" to "Published," as in the Screenshot below.
Click "Save & Update"
PS: Clean cache if you are using a cache plugin.
PS: We added the draft mode to have the same function WordPress provides on pages.
PPS: To hide a registration page totally:
We create a default registration page on creating the webinar, this page you can set to draft and webinar registration will be hidden.
Hint: This page is needed to make this webinar working.
Roadmap: As we move towards being more like WordPress we will make add webinars pages like adding pages in WordPress on the new version around 2024.