ActiveCampaign integration


Last Update 8 maanden geleden

Just get the code between <form and form> as you can see below

paste it in the field "Easiest (Raw) HTML only Opt-in Code:"




and all the other values see below:

add a "Custom Hidden Field"

select "f" in dropdown and add the value "43"

select "act" in dropdown and add the value "sub"

select "v" in dropdown and add the value "2"

select "or" in dropdown and add the value "18dfc2b02e4444446ca57234e5e720d7ac9"

Then scroll down to the "Save & Test AR Integration" button and hit.

Add an E-Mail-Adress that was never used and is not inside ActiveCampaign. You can also delete an existing one and use it.

Fill form and submit it. Check ActiveCampaign for your new contact ;-)

Thanks for connecting WebinarIgnition with ActiveCampaign.

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