I Have A Basic, Pro, Enterprise Lifetime License. Why Am I not getting unlimited registrations?


Last Update 9 месяцев назад

Webinarignition is under new ownership (since January 2021) and we now have your former license key system build into the new license system. So you can use all ultimate features.

Levels: Basic -> Enterprise -> Ultimate
The (Ultimate) level was added on top of your license level.
Since 01-2021 we maintain the plugin with the money we get from new, former customers. To provide a always up to date and ready for your success webinar plugin.
This is why you get from version 3 on only 100-200 free registrations per month per license with all ultimate features.

No need to upgrade to Ultimate! Stay with version 2.x.
Only if you like more webinar success with the ultimate features like new design, custom design, unlimited Call-to-Actions inside the webinar... take our offer...

see this page for

  • comparison, 
  • what was done (since 01/2021 under new ownership), 
  • roadmap
  • What will be changed with released version 3

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