Add webinar language


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Video about translating WebinarIgnition:

  • When is which language taken?
    Custom (Loco translate) > System (From > Author (Plugin folder)
So when you want to overwrite language move, save file in Custom
  • When feature available?
Language per webinar is available from version 2.9.x 

(check if released on

Translate into your language:

General translate a plugin (like Reviewshort, RRatingg, Better Reviews for WooCommerce, ...):

Here is a list of our free WordPress plugins: Chat with us here to get your preferred language:

My opinion: Contact us in chat and get a free DeepL translated translation file, correct the language as common as possible.

We will check and add it for all.

You get your free ultimate lifetime license when we checked the updated file.

Also if you can be a language editor for this language please.
Create an account, contact us in chat and tell us your language you like to translate and your username.

Your participation will help the plugin to grow more in your language... we can link, name you as translator and maybe you get in contact with some users and they become your customer.

PS: If you want to clean up you find unused language files via ftp in this folder /wp-content/languages.

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