# Quick start evergreen webinar
Quick start your Webinar the WordPress way (Gutenberg Editor)
Last Update 2 jaar geleden

- Webinar Name for URL
- Webinar Title used in Notification, top of the webinar room (left), ...
- Host name used in top of the webinar room (right)
- Default design settings in in registration tab
- or OWN design and add the registration functionality via shortcode
- PageBuilder see video above all details see article
- Autoplay video in details see article
- Test MP4 (remove"#" from the link): https://webinarignition.com/#wp-content/uploads/2hoursstopwatch_web_6min.mp4
- If site cached! If in browser incognito window does not work, like load times, exclude registration page from caching
- Tawk.to Chat KB article
- GiveAway: Redirect after webinar to https://webinarignition.com/#pricing instead of link inside the webinar and loose attention of the user. Sure name the GiveAway inside the webinar
Shortcut: Instead doing all yourself and learning the steps you can also import the settings ;-)
By pasting the code of the file inside the import field.

code is to big to share here so please click the link:
2022/08/18 https://webinarignition.com/wp-content/uploads/import-KB1-Webinar.txt
From the https://webinarignition.com/demo/ with all the CTAs used in official DEMO.